
IAICC Offers Free Memberships for Businesses Facing Hardship during the Pandemic

A small business owner stands outside her handbag shop. | Photo: Getty Images A small business owner stands outside her handbag shop. | Photo: Getty Images

With its strong advocacy efforts and knowledge in US-India trade relations, IAICC is working toward other solutions that can help businesses strengthen their capabilities,” said National President & CEO, KV Kumar in a press release.

WASHINGTON, D.C. August 4, 2020 (Biz Republic) — For the benefit of businesses facing hardship during the ongoing Coronavirus Pandemic, the Indian American International Chamber of Commerce (IAICC), headquartered in Washington DC, is offering free memberships to Small Businesses, Small Business Associations (SBA), Professional Organizations, and individuals that cannot afford to pay the regular membership fees, until January 2022. This effort is mainly aimed at promoting and fostering economic development for the benefit of businesses in India and the United States during these unprecedented times.

“IAICC is evaluating the current situation, and the associated impact on Indian-American owned businesses in USA, and likewise American owned businesses in India. With its strong advocacy efforts and knowledge in US-India trade relations, IAICC is also working toward other solutions that can help businesses strengthen their capabilities,” said National President & CEO, KV Kumar in a press release.

Mr. Kumar also met with the SBA Administrator, The Honorable Jovita Carranza at the 2020 Legislative Summit for The Latino Coalition, in Washington DC. During the meeting, Mr. Kumar talked about the ongoing pandemic, IAICC’s long association with SBA, and also briefed Ms.Carranza about how IAICC initiated, supported and successfully mediated the signing of an MoU between SBA and the Government of India, in collaboration with the American Chamber of Commerce, in January 2007 in New Delhi, India. Ms. Carranza thanked Mr. Kumar for his unwavering support, appreciated IAICC’s efforts, and said she looked forward to the continued collaboration with IAICC in future.

Recently, the Chamber also welcomed new members to serve in leadership positions. As such, Dr. Samir Mitragotri, will take over as the Chair of National Academic Advisory Board, Ms. Gurdeep Kaur Chawla will serve as Director of IAICC’s National Executive Board, and Dr. Narashimulu Neelagaru, and Mr. Kumar Allady as Regional Chairman and Regional President, respectively, for the SE Chapter based in Atlanta, GA. In addition to her role in the Executive Board, Ms. Chawla has also agreed to serve as Chair of Government Relations, Education and Trade Committees of the Chamber.

Dr. Mitragotri is currently the Hiller Professor of Bioengineering and Wyss Professor of Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University. His research has provided new insights into challenges associated with drug development and has led to new technologies for treating various diseases including diabetes, obesity, cancer and arthritis.

Ms. Chawla, CEO of Indian Languages Services in Silicon Valley, has spent over 28 years in the field of public diplomacy. As part of her career, she has been involved in interpreting for Heads of State in different languages. In fact, she has the unique honor of working with seven Indian Prime Ministers, three US Presidents, and two Canadian Prime Ministers.

Ms. Chawla said, “I am honored to be invited by the IAICC as a Director of the Executive Board. It gives me an opportunity to further my passion of taking the US-India relations to the next level in the fields of Governance, Education, and Trade. I am sure the IAICC platform will help me deliver effective results in my areas of passion. The US is a world leader in the above fields. At a time when the world is impacted by a global crisis, I want to see that the world is inspired by the best practices of the world’s oldest and most powerful democracy.”

About her leadership roles in the fields of Governance, Education, and Trade, Ms. Chawla added that, “I will ensure that democracy is spread across the world by creating global awareness about democratic values and governance, explore possibilities using virtual platforms to take the best of America’s education institutes to India and bring traditional Indian knowledge and ecosystem to the US, and promote diversification, especially in the fields of pharmaceuticals, automotive and agriculture.”

Recently, during a virtual meeting of the SE Chapter, National President, Mr. Kumar welcomed both Dr. Neelagaru and Mr. Allady and said that the Chamber will benefit from their vast experiences as they have been serving their communities for so many years. Dr. Neelagaru, a Cardiologist by training, is also the Chairman of the Board of the Quantum National Bank in GA, and Mr. Allady is the CEO of Smart Structures, based out of Florida.

Among the attendees, Prof. Jagdish N. Sheth, a member of Academic Advisory Board, and SE Chapter, Professor of Marketing at the Goizueta Business School, Emory University, and a Padma Bhushan awardee in 2020 for his work in Literature and Education in United States, attended and welcomed the incoming leadership in the Chapter. Appen Menon, Chairman, Executive Board, delivered the opening remarks.

IAICC is an international umbrella organization that provides a sustainable platform for the US and Indian Governments and businesses to provide leadership, exchange ideas, interact, and promote economic growth and development. Since its inception in 1990, IAICC has been serving businesses owned by the Indian Americans. IAICC hosts a number of events such as seminars and lectures in addition to supporting publication of reports by subject matter experts in different fields. Please visit for more information.
